The Atlas 180 and 21x series
This is my scruffy old Atlas 180, an early one as you can tell from the lack of markings around the VFO dial. The little toggle switch at bottom-left is a mod of mine (I can't remember what it does...)
This is Michele Dolci's 210 which has been modded for 10MHz and has the crystal oscillator add-on unit. This is DJ3ZF's beautiful 215x "Limited Edition". A rare beast. Looking inside my 180 you can see the large dial drum which takes up so much space inside the box. The VFO box is beneath it and the plug-in boards can be seen on either side. The excellent crystal filter can be seen beneath the VFO box as we look at it. As you can see, this rig is heavily modified with all sorts of extra bits of circuitry jammed into odd corners. Here is the PA compartment opened up. The large ferrites on the left are yet-another modification, the originals are much smaller!. The transistors have been replaced with a pair of SD1405s and it will now produce 175W with a good 13.8V supply. I'm not sure about the intermodulation products though...
Click here for pictures of some rarer Atlas radios. |